Friday, November 25, 2011

Bathing Too Frequently May Cause Skin Cancer

"Fast-paced life and convenient living conditions increased the frequency of people taking a bath," responsible for the study of the Arab pathologists thick Ni Hu Jia Deba said, "and too frequent bathing will have to do this with people matter of the mind exactly the opposite result - harmful to health. "Previous studies showed that frequent bathing will wash away the body sebum, increased dry skin, causing dermatitis; force of the scrub will also enable the fragile skin damaged, bacteria, fungi stepped in, resulting in skin infections. Recently, this study clearly shows that regular skin damage can cause decreased immunity, inflammation of a variety of subsequent cumulative product of that - skin cancer.

Three little tricks when bathing can treatment A busy day, a hot bath to recover for his exhausted body. If you do something in the bath, "little tricks", not only to accelerate the degree of ease fatigue and some physical ailments will get better soon.

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Willing to take a bath may be women's nature, they are keen on keeping the body clean, can not tolerate skin perspiration, dirt (even if they sweat, dirt only the participation of the microscope can be called significant) to accompany them to more than 24 hours or bathing per day is minimal, and thus often turn iron into steel bath in the treatment of this term is not so hard when the men in front, plus a "foul" word. However, recently in particular from Mexico State University, Asahi, a skin of the ladies who love cleaning, including bathing too frequently working men take the lead poured a bucket of cold water - bathing too often can cause skin cancer.

"Moderation is the only viable option," Hu thick Ni said, "two or three times a week is enough, but do not scrub too much intensity, the dirty body will not affect our health and will even protect the skin."

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